We are the Children of Old
from the golden consciousness of the Sun
We are the Wise Women from womb past and future
singing and weaving the threads of time
from one Ancestor to another
We have chosen our lives, our memories
this time round
We are in perfect harmony with our Spirit quest and purpose
Us All - daughter mother sibling friend
Trust this
Trust your lineage awakening
Sit round the fire and hear the stories of your heart
As Spider weaves her magic web
so we weave
in tune with our precious Earth Mother
loving creations of peace and life force
Choose wisely your words
Words are your power made manifest
Intention of your blood and bones
carried on your breath with sound
creates your world, your reality
Remember -
the words are in the Spelling - Spells
be aware
choose wisely your words
The cross - cross to bear
feeling cross
cross roads
Words are a rabbit hole of power over...
Power with
Power within
Hear the sound of your blood memory
in all your speak
lace your sound with heart
and your Ancestors walk with you
I am hung on a cross
hands and feet nailed through flesh
I shall not conform!
I shall not speak your words!
All is quiet
and again I choose to come back
Writing from Womb. Live class
Oh so very powerful and affirming