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Sama is a Certified Massage Therapist, Yogini, Doula, Birthing From Within (TM) Mentor, Herbal Medicine Woman, and long term Voluntary Simplicity Practitioner whose greatest joy is to empower women and men to greater self-guided awareness and health around the cyclical seasons of our daily lives.  She offers online and in person  classes, workshops, and coaching to help people connect with the phases of the moon, earth, and sun.  These natural rhythms remind us of the exquisite beauty and simplicity of life.  By attuning to them, we can often find elegant solutions to our challenges in life arising from our intrinsic wisdom.  Sama invites you to begin and/or deepen your exploration of presence, creative listening, and embracing gifts available right now.


Moon Mysteries:

Menstrual Wisdom, Sexuality and Pleasure,

Fertility Awareness, Childbirth, Parenthood, Sacred Partnership


Earth Ecstasies:

Crystal Attunements, Jewelry, Readings, and Grids,  Herbal Medicine,  Gardening


Moon Mysteries,

               Earth Ecstasies,

                           Sunny Simplicities

Offerings include:

Body Rhythms:

Massage and Bodywork,

Yoga, Childbirth support, Herbal Medicine, Dietary Changes


Daily Rhythms:

Meditations, Inspirational Poetry and Artwork, Purposeful Simplicity Coaching

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Online and in person offerings available. Please contact us for any personal queries

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