About that statue of me you have on your altar
The one you got from the thrift store
To reclaim and rescue my memory...
Thank you for your love
For hearing my call of despair
Languishing under the weight of the lies about me
And for listening to my voice
Firstly, the color of my skin
On the statue
Is all wrong
My skin was and is much darker
So dark my eyes gleamed like stars
In the night
The flowing robes with gold edges are good
But the sunburst halo behind my head
Is a bit imbalanced, don’t you think?
There needs to be at least two more
And the biggest one in front of my womb
The one behind my heart is a bit too small
And the burning flames rising could be bigger as well
One at my power center to represent my integrity
Fortitude, and stamina
And the one at my womb
That womb you worship with prayers
Grateful for its fruits
How about a cornucopia
Overflowing with nourishment
There as well?
As for the story so many are telling
About my virginity
That word meant something different to us back then
It just meant that I wasn’t beholden to any man
I was free to love as I chose
And I chose to love
I made love to the divine
In all my lovers
They were all angels
But one in particular
Gleamed in the night
I sang songs about our union
We blossomed in divine love together
Our lovemaking ignited a love so great in me
You are still blessed by it
Many millennia hence
It was so brilliant
So alive
That my son was conceived
His conception was an explosion of divine bliss
He was the son of the embodiment of divine love
That was our union
So yes, he was the Son of God
But not because I did not have sex with a human man
But because our sex was divine
It grieves my heart
To see the suffering humans have created
By perpetuating this misconception
By equating sexuality with sin
By making God asexual
This is so obviously a lie
All life is created sexually
If God created all life
How could God be asexual?
So I thank you for reclaiming
Your sexuality as one of God's most precious gifts
And for recognizing that it is the union of God and Goddess
Within each of us
And between us
That creates new life
Yes I suffered and forgave much
And can teach you pure divine unconditional motherly love
Nurturing you from the passion of my heart
Through the milk of my breasts
And from the fruits of my womb
Which are not limited to my beautiful son
Who lived in divine union
Because that was how he was conceived
But pour forth as the fruits of emotional wisdom
Teaching you how your sexuality
Can nourish your creativity
How your monthly cycles can help you
Shed lies and illness
And activate magical rhythms and codes of artistry
How your embodied and rooted divine love
From the womb
Can create miraculous healing
For all of humanity
Nourishing our evolution
Towards our purpose as a species
Embodying heaven here on earth
So yes, light a candle, or a thousand
For your prayers to me
And then go and awaken your womb
Reclaim your sex
Embody the divine light of your essence
Re-conceive of yourself
As a divine being fully integrating into your human form
Transforming humanity with every breath
With every orgasm
With every creative passion that arises in you
That you nourish and bring to fruition
Imagining that the Fruits of my Womb
Pouring forth
Nourish your womb to pour forth as well
Not just brilliant children
But divine love
Heaven here on Earth
This poem was written by Sama Morningstar, inspired by the Bio-Mystical Womb Re-conception work she is creating. To learn more about this body of work, visit the intro page here: https://www.samamorningstar.com/bio-mystical-womb-healing-apprentic
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