By Jessica
There is an essence of you
An essence of me
That cannot be diminished
No matter how tall, how smothering
The heap of pain
Life piles on top of us
But instead grows infinitely brighter
Radiant with delight
That no matter what blindness
What numbness overcomes us
That we cannot feel that brilliance
At the core of each of our cells
Is simply playing a game of hide and seek
And laughing at the infinite ways we lose and find ourselves
Delighting perhaps more
In the journey of seemingly endless agony
That finally exhales
Into the peace of reunion
Underwater with the roots
Than in the journey blessed
With enough reminders
Of essential goodness
That there was not so much agony
To contrast with the peace
What if
This essence balances
Our cries of rage
With infinite compassion
Cradling our unmet infant needs
With the flow of unending life
The sway of massive elephant limbs
Surrounding us with great grey bellies
Tickling us with tufted tails
Until we remember how to giggle
What if it is in the longing for things missing
That miracles become possible
What if it is when we are on our knees
In complete surrender
Beyond despair
Beyond longing
Beyond hope
That this essence hears our silent cry
A flavor so precious
That the gateless gate is revealed
What if our essence
Is a connoisseur of revelation
Spending eternity
Crafting an infinite variety of lifetimes
In which we forget our essential brilliance
In the overwhelming violence of this world
Only to blossom in unique flavors, colors, aromas
Combinations of circumstances
All culminating in masterpieces of miraculous
The deeper the fugue
The more exquisite the release into clarity
What if it is not a game of cruelty
But a training ground for compassion
And miracles
Where each trail that leads through
Desolation and horror
Eventually gives rise to equal quantity and quality
Of lush renewal
Exquisite beauty
And an expansive ocean
Of unconditional love
What if there are two ways to play
This game of what if
Imagining the horrors that await
Or the delights
And we get to choose
At any moment
Which one to play
Evie is assisting Jessica to publish work online