By Jessica
Twisting vines intertwine
With the gilded dragon gate
Whose jeweled eye
Gleams through my eyes
To the center of my head
Igniting remembrance
Unlocking the treasure chests
I carry within
Blossoms glisten
On this wild yet tended vine
Winking at me with intelligent petals
Releasing puffs of aroma
Dancing with my biochemistry
Flooding my slump
With undeniable joy

“But it wasn’t supposed to look like this!” I whine
Comparing my glowing fantasy with the meanness of the world
The dragon’s eye glistens
As if to say
“If you insist”
And the vine swings the gate open
Twines around my wrist
Pulling me inside
Gopher mounds create mazes through the ground
But these gophers don’t hide in the darkness
The pop up grinning
Winking at me as if I am part of their family
For they are not enemies here
But the directors of the garden
Preparing the soil
Determining which plants will grow to fruition
And which will be devoured
Following a mysterious plan
That baffles me
Yet I relish the softness of the earth
Under my feet
Leading me forward with one sinking step
And another
Towards a great tree
Where a giggling girl swings
Trailing ribbons in the wind
Another swing uncoils and she beckons me to sit
I join her heavily
But soon my waters
Are sloshing gleefully
Within my cells, organs, and bones
The girl winks and laughs at my thoughts of danger and risk
As the creaking branches bend and sway under my weight
She swings higher as though relishing the possibility of disaster
Discerning my thoughts of my warm dark cave
She hops off the swing
Grabs my hand
And pulls me behind her
Down the path to a dark opening in the green hillside
Delighted to show me her cave
She pulls me inside
Trailing her fingers along the moist moss-covered walls
Until we arrive at the crystal walled cavern
She begins stripping her clothing off
As we approach the dark silver water
Of the central fountain
I join her there
And forget my worries
Letting the bubbles tickle the tiny hairs
On my skin
I can disappear into these waters
Becoming a sea of love
Undulating with the rhythms of water
Bubbling up from below
Expanding into steam
Rising to clouds
Flying through the sky
Carried by currents of heat and cold
Until condensed into liquid form
Falling back to ground
Where my jobs are infinite
Feeding green leaves
Dark roots
Swelling flowers and fruits
Quenching thirsty beasts
Traveling through underground and surface streams
Creeks, rivers, lakes, seas
Trickling, gushing, whirling, snaking
Cresting, crashing, foaming in the sand
My moods vary from silvery stillness
Enough to reflect the soul of the world
To raging storms
Building up tsunamis of destruction
And renewal

Everything dissolves within my power
Regardless of my rate of movement
I can sit stagnant
Trapped between seemingly solid banks
But this will not stop the living essence
I nourish
From digesting the roots of those walls
Until their solidness loosens
And I slowly drain away
Leaving behind a gritty residue
Spelling out the details
Of the secret love affair
That happened under my surface
Or I can tear down whole cities
With one giant wave
Reclaiming the lives of countless creatures
As my own
For they were always mine
Their waters were only on loan
I recognize the devotion some creatures demonstrate
I hear their songs
Feel the ripples as their footsteps
Pass tenderly along my shores
Absorb their reverence
And when they step into me
They can receive the gift
Of remembering they are me
Feeling my power coursing through their tissues
But this does not tame me
Or buy them freedom
It enwildens them
So they find peace
In the infinity of life
That holds them tenderly for a moment
In one form and then another
They remember their true essence
And find the freedom
That has always been theirs
Filling them with liquid sentience
Until their borders dissolve
Just like everything eventually does
Jessica Huckabay is the founder of the Womb Centered Healing Temple and hosts Writing from the Womb Workshops weekly. Learn more about this and other offerings by exploring this site.
Evie is assisting Jessica to publish her work online